
Niue is starting on its TNA process in 2020 as part of the TNA IV project, at which point it will start deciding its priority sectors and technologies for both mitigation and adaptation.

Niue is located 2,400 kilometres northeast of New Zealand in a triangle between Tonga, Samoa and the Cook Islands. Niue’s main industry is subsistence farming and fishing, and it is recognized as the largest and highest raised coral atoll in the world.

Niue is impacted by increasing high tides, high winds and cyclones. Its agricultural system and hence its food security are very exposed to devastation from climate change-induced cyclones due to its lack of protection. The increase in the incidence of tropical cyclones, combined with rising sea levels, severely impacts the country’s existing infrastructure.

In its NDC, the country sets out the following goals in order to adapt to the impacts of climate change:

  • Goal 1: Strong and effective institutional basis for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
  • Goal 2: Strong public awareness and improved understanding of the causes and effects of climate change, climate variability and disasters
  • Goal 3: Strengthened livelihoods, community resilience, natural resources and assets
  • Goal 4: Strengthened capacity to adapt renewable energy technologies, improve energy efficiency and energy security

Goal 5: Strengthened disaster preparedness for effective responses.

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Haden Talagi

TNA Coordinator for Niue