Climate technologies in an urban context

This guidebook is produced as part of the GEF-Funded Global Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) Project, which is implemented by UNEP and UNEP DTU Partnership. Since 2009, close to one hundred countries have joined the Global TNA Project.

Urban areas are home to an increasingly large share of the world’s population. As a result, a growing proportion of global greenhouse gas emissions are stemming from activities located in cities and towns, where many of the adverse impacts of global warming are also being felt strongly.

This guidebook provides information on technologies for climate change mitigation and adaptation that are relevant in an urban context, specifically in relation to buildings, transportation and waste management for mitigation, and in relation to droughts, floods and heatwaves for adaptation. It aims to provide TNA stakeholders and city-level decision-makers with information about various technological options and potential challenges and opportunities for their use in cities.

Status: Published
Published year: 2021
Content type: TNA Guidebook
File: Download
Publisher: UNEP DTU Partnership
No. of pages: 148