Raising awareness for climate tech transfer

To improve transfer of green technologies, the TNA project focuses on communication and awareness raising, and works to increase capacity in the project countries.

April 27, 2020

Raising awareness for climate tech transfer

Effective communication is key to improve the likelihood of successful transfer of climate technologies.

In order to foster enabling environments for climate technology development, transfer and uptake, the global Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) project puts an emphasis on communication and information dissemination at countries’ national level. The TNA project coordinates efforts on awareness building throughout government departments and agencies, through private entities and community groups.

Capacity building for communication

A better communication between stakeholders can push the required changes in public, policy, corporate, and citizen behaviour, greatly improving the likelihood of successful transfer of climate technologies.

On the contrary, a lack of information and awareness related to climate change impacts and to climate technologies that help to adapt and mitigate climate change directly influences decision-making processes when it comes to investment: a lack of information and awareness often leads to “business as usual” purchasing scenarios.

When countries engaged in TNA activities identify barriers that hinder the successful transfer of technologies, the lack of information and awareness is very frequently reported. This barrier is indeed reported for 59% of the identified adaptation technologies, and 51% of the identified mitigation technologies.

Hence, during the regional capacity building for countries involved in the global TNA project, a specific training is provided on dissemination and communication of TNA activities on a national level.

The TNA regional workshops also provides a space for countries to get inspired and learn from each other, including on the different means for communicating on their TNA activities in the respective countries.

Driving local change

Developing an effective communication and raising awareness on climate change information and green technology can contribute to drive the required changes in public, policy, corporate, and citizen behaviour.

All countries in the TNA project communicate and disseminate information of TNA activities and results. Countries chose their own specific communication channels. Some countries share their results through social media channels, by using their institutions Facebook or Twitter pages. Some communicate through the ministry website, or through a newsletter, while other raise awareness through TV and radio interviews with the local media.

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